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ITC Great Expectations

Role: Campaign Strategist, Producer, and Social Media Manager


ITC Hotels, a pioneer in sustainable luxury in India, launched ITC Kohenour, the country's first zero carbon emission luxury hotel. This initiative was part of their broader commitment to Responsible Luxury, focusing on creating environmentally sustainable and socially responsible luxury experiences.

Objectives: The "Great Expectations - What Our Future Wants From Us" campaign aimed to:

• Highlight ITC Kohenour's leadership in sustainable luxury hospitality.

• Shift the conversation around sustainability from corporate responsibility to personal action.

• Engage a broad audience on an emotional level, emphasizing the impact of daily actions on future generations.

• Drive digital viewership and foster a deeper understanding and commitment to sustainability among the audience.

Strategy & Implementation:

The campaign creatively juxtaposed the mundane expectations parents have of their children with the profound expectations children have of their parents regarding environmental responsibility. By featuring real families, the campaign delivered an authentic and relatable message, emphasizing that sustainability begins with individual actions at home.

Conceptualization: I conceptualized the idea of the film, focusing on the expectations of the younger generation regarding environmental responsibility.

• Copywriting: Wrote the thought-provoking copy for the film, ensuring the message was clear and impactful.

• Campaign Execution: Oversaw the creation and release of a 50-second launch film on digital platforms, particularly YouTube, targeting a tech-savvy and environmentally-conscious demographic.

• Social Media Management: Managed ITC Hotels' social media channels to amplify the campaign's reach, crafting engaging posts, interactive content, and strategic hashtag use to boost engagement.


The "Great Expectations - What Our Future Wants From Us" campaign resonated deeply with viewers, amassing over 2.2 million views on YouTube. The social media strategy significantly boosted engagement across ITC Hotels' platforms, further amplifying the conversation around responsible luxury and environmental stewardship. This not only positioned ITC Kohenour as a leader in sustainable hospitality but also demonstrated the potential of luxury to drive positive change.