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Grafdoer Fittings

Campaign Strategist & Film Producer

Overview: Grafdoer Fittings, a premier faucet brand, sought to highlight its range of high-quality products through a compelling video. I led the project, bringing to bear my comprehensive skills in production, including talent scouting and on-screen direction, to ensure the video not only showcased the product line but also connected with the target audience on an emotional and aesthetic level.


  • Produce a visually captivating video showcasing Grafdoer Fittings' range of faucets, emphasizing their quality, design, and functionality.
  • Scout and direct talent to effectively communicate the brand’s message and appeal to potential customers.
  • Align the video with Grafdoer Fittings' brand values and marketing goals, enhancing brand recognition and consumer engagement.

Contributions and Execution

  • Talent Scouting and Direction: Handled the scouting of talents suitable for the video, ensuring they embodied the brand's essence. Directed these talents on-screen to authentically represent Grafdoer Fittings' products.
  • Creative Direction and Cinematography: Developed the creative vision, storyboarded the narrative, and undertook cinematography, capturing the elegance and functionality of the faucets.
  • Collaboration with Stakeholders: Worked closely with Grafdoer Fittings' marketing team and other stakeholders to understand their vision and incorporate it into every facet of the production process.
  • Post-Production Expertise: Executed editing and color correction with the same precision and attention to detail as in previous projects, ensuring the final product was polished and compelling.

Results: The project culminated in a highly engaging and aesthetically pleasing video that successfully highlighted the unique selling points of Grafdoer Fittings' products. The inclusion of well-directed talent added a human element that resonated with viewers, enhancing the brand’s appeal. The video contributed to increased brand awareness and customer engagement, aligning perfectly with Grafdoer Fittings' marketing objectives.