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American Express

Campaign Strategist & Film Producer

Overview: American Express Celebrates 25 Years in India with a Heartwarming TV Ad Film Featuring Trusted Vendors Background: American Express, a leading financial services company, was celebrating its 25th year of market presence in India. The company wanted to commemorate the occasion by creating a TV ad film that would showcase its long-term trusted vendors, who had been an integral part of its success over the years.

Challenge: As a brand strategist and creative producer who designed the campaign, the challenge was to come up with a concept that would resonate with the audience and also showcase the trusted relationship that American Express has built with its vendors over the years. It was crucial to ensure that the trust and loyalty of these vendors were reflected in the film, which required careful planning, preparation, and execution.

: After brainstorming and ideating with the team, a concept was finalized that would highlight the journey of American Express in India and its relationship with its vendors. The team traveled to 5 different cities over a month, where they interviewed the vendors and captured their honest and emotional stories. The aim was to portray the human side of American Express and how its vendors had played an integral role in its success. As a brand strategist and creative producer, I was responsible for making all the pre-production arrangements, including the script, storyboards, locations, and scheduling. During the shoot, the team ensured that the interviews were conducted in a comfortable and familiar setting to ensure that the vendors were at ease. The footage was then edited, and the final film was released on YouTube and all the company's social channels.

Results: The TV ad film was well received by the audiences, and it successfully showcased the heartwarming relationship that American Express has built with its vendors over the last 25 years. The film received high engagement and positive feedback, and it further strengthened the brand's image as a trusted and reliable financial services provider.